Bedtime Stories N.1

The very first Noel Alejandro’s Bedtime Stories compilation
Brainchild of the Noel Alejandro project, Bedtime Stories is an ongoing series focused on the beauty of intimacy. Each new film combines one thought-provoking opening and the usual sophisticated filmography to create stories that are new, intimately inspiring, and visually appealing.
Asphyxia // Obituary
After Cherries // Dear Father
Blissing Deal // Minha Luta (I Miss You)
Downloadable pack: Instant delivery to your mail (You download 6 movies in Full HD)
- Downloadable in full HD
- Instant Delivery
- 100% Secure Payment
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cheng1216 –
I tried purchasing your Bedtime Stories collection but I keep getting an error when I try to pay. Can you assist?
Noel Alejandro (verified owner) –
sure, email sent
lightyagami –
Hi Noel, Can I buy your Bedtime Stories N.1 via paypal again?
Noel Alejandro (verified owner) –
Sure! I’ve sent you an email
jourdan gilles –
bonjour Noel
je t’ai achetez le pack de 14 films
tu le propose dans plusieurs sous titrages; très facile de télécharger, mais sans sous titre. qu’elle est la fonction a faire pour pouvoir l’avoir. après l’achat de ce pack, je viens de me rendre compte que je ne suis pas inscrit sur ta base de donné. pourquoi?
ceci dit j’adore tes films, un peu plus long serais top,enfin des films érotico porno qui font rêvez
merci a toi Noël
Noel Alejandro (verified owner) –
Hi, sometimes when the purchase is made on the guest mode, the email can get loss into the Spam folder, or also due a wrong typing of the email address. However, we have added all the movies in your account.
Thanks a lot and enjoy 🙂
Jack K Christensen –
These films look magnificent. I can’t wait to enjoy their beauty.
Albert Knebel –
Dear Noel Alejandro, I would very much like to buy your Bedtime Stories N.1, but I only can pay by Paypal. Could you please send me a Paypal Link.
Thank you! Warmest greetings,
Noel Alejandro (verified owner) –
Of course!
Argenis –
Hola , buenos días ! Por favor , podrías enviarme un enlace de PayPal . Gracias .
noelalejandro (verified owner) –
claro! Enviado 🙂
jn –
hey! could you please send me a PayPal link? xx
Raul Martin –
Is there any deal or offer if I buy the Bedtimes stories collection and all the rest?
Can you please send me paypal link?
noelalejandro (verified owner) –
Hi Raul, yes, I’ve sent you a paypal link 🙂
Robert Fitzpatrick –
1. I watched some of your films via HereTV and Menflix. They no longer seem available. Why
2. When I signed up on you mailing list I was offered a free film. But nothing happened.
3. I bought one of your films from this site in the past but it did not download properly but got no help in solving the problem or an offer for a different film
I love your work but I am frustrated
Thanks for your help.
noelalejandro (verified owner) –
Hi robert. I have a deal with them for one year broadcast, so if they decided to stop must be for some reason beyond their will. Regarding the film for free, it probably went to spam.
Please, send me an email with the email address you use to purchase, cause I can’t find any with this one.
Franky –
Bonjour M. Noelalejandro,
Vos films sont tres bons et très beaux a regarder visuellement. Oh les comédiens sont très beaux et virils wow.
Vous serait-il possible de faire des films d’une durée de plus de vingt minutes S.V.P. Genre 60-70 minutes avec plus d’érotisme. Voila c’est ma demande !!! Merci a l’avance de votre réponse positive.
AdminBear (verified owner) –
I bought the first three Bedtime Stories and then you released “After Cherries”. Do I need to repurchase everything to get this one part?
noelalejandro (verified owner) –
Hi! You only need to buy the new release on the film product page
Dhavi Montonchaikul (verified owner) –
i want to buy this as a gift for a friend. your website is not giving me option to buy again.
noelalejandro (verified owner) –
Hi Dhavi, I’ll take note for next updates on the website 🙂
Montoro14 (verified owner) –
I tried purchasing your Bedtime Stories collection but I keep getting an error when I try to pay. Can you assist?
noelalejandro (verified owner) –
Sure, when problems you can send me an email and I will gladly send you a Paypal Link 🙂