Erotic filmmaker Noel Alejandro is back with a new movie: Serodiscordantes. Alejandro really surpassed himself with this newly released and approaching a theme that isn’t mainstream in the industry: HIV. Based on the true life of the performers, told by the Spanish performer Alejandría Quince, the film captures the intricate moment when Evaristo (Cachorro Lozano) finds out that his partner Miguel (Quince) has been hiding his HIV-positive status. Miguel knows – as he’d been knowing for a while now – that coming clean is the right thing to do; yet, an alluvion of questions and self-doubt would take him whole.

The film wasn’t originally in the movie’s scope of Noel Alejandro – in fact, the idea came up unexpectedly, after Noel spoke with famous Spanish actor Alejandría Quince to invite him for a role in another film. Alejandría Quince then mentioned his interest in telling his story as an HIV-positive gay person. Having lived this same situation with the acknowledged painter Cachorro Lozano – his partner in real life and co-star in Serodiscordantes – Alejandría helped Noel to bring their real story to the screen and reveal how profound and life-changing is the moment when you speak openly about their diagnosis. Always triggered by life challenges and real human stories, Noel Alejandro started working on a script that would bring this feeling to an adult film setting aside the melodrama and keeping only the genuine and truthful aspect of it.


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