Este cortometraje es lo más emocional y excitante que hemos visto hasta la fecha en el porno gay firmado por un director español. Es un todo en uno tan bien cosido que no sabes en que momento el erotismo se ha vestido de pornografía para desnudarse luego en erotismo y emociones. Cada fotograma es una fotografía digna de encuadrar, y cada fotografía impacta en tu mente de tal manera que te será difícil olvidar este magnifico trabajo. No dejes de verla si quieres de verdad saborear una obra de arte.

Noel Alejandro releases “Call Me a Ghost”, an erotic film about melancholy

BARCELONA? – Alternative gay porn director Noel Alejandro is proud to announce the release of his first drama-psychological erotic film, “Call Me a Ghost”.

In Alejandro’s protagonist’s life, something seems to be permanently out of place. He is intelligent, attractive and talented – however this supposedly good life seems to lose relevance as he falls into commanding sadness. He resists to leave his house and starts to feel desolation taking over when, at the apex of a major crisis, he is visited by a supernatural presence. Feeling strangely attracted to it and with nothing to lose, he welcomes the ghost, maybe hoping to sense contact with someone else. Will this strange presence become a safe harbour for him to reassert control? The ghost is surprisingly graceful: is there a place for desire in sadness?

Could pleasure become a weapon in fighting deep solitude? Part of the director’s effort in pushing the boundaries of the adult film industry, Call Me a Ghost is a moving portrayal of human melancholy, and a daring exploration of the roles of sex, pleasure and intimacy in the life of a man whose hope is falling short.

Starring Valentín and Pierre. Filmed and edited in Brussels (2017).
Call Me a Ghost?. 18 min, 2017, EN. Directed by Noel Alejandro. Starring Valentín and Pierre.
Will be available on on Friday 17th February.

About the Director Noel Alejandro is a Barcelona-Brussels based independent filmmaker and alternative adult films director whose path is driven by all kinds of art that break taboos.? Having directed Eloi & Biel (2012), Bad Medicine (2015), Roomies (2015), Thank You… (2016), The Cable Guy (2016), and Doing Elliot (2016), his work has been hailed as unique, originative and avant-garde. It was recently said to “erase the line between art and porn”, and to emerge as “the best hope of contemporary independent gay porn”.

All of his films are available for download in Noel Alejandro’s website.Call Me a Ghost was made to tell us that sometimes feeling blue is fine – even in the porn world